Children's Rights to Read

The Children’s Rights to Read initiative, founded on 10 fundamental rights every child deserves, was developed to ensure that every child, everywhere, has access to the education, opportunities, and resources needed to read.

Download the Children's Rights to Read, available in 16 languages, and share with your network.

NEW for 2024: What You Can Do to Advocate for Children's Rights to Read

Our updated and expanded advocacy toolkit offers simple ideas to implement in your classroom, school, and community.

Customizable Take Action templates have been added, as has a brand-new section for instructional coaches.

Download the free PDF for yourself, or share with teacher colleagues, librarians, families, and policymakers.

Small steps lead to big changes—so take the first one today!

"Our children deserve to read diverse books—books that they relate to, that represent their languages and experiences. These diverse books also offer opportunities for students to visit and explore the culture and world of others!"

—J. Helen Perkins, ILA Board President (2024–2025)